Found inside – Page 1860Lammert , Edward H. o.f.m. '58 ( LEX ) Cumberland , KY St. Stephen Church ; Harlan , KY Holy Trinity Church ; Lynch , KY Church of the Resurrection . LaMoine ... Landsberger , Robert '57 ( SCL ) Motley , MN St. Michael's Church . Landwerlen ... Lang , Hugh J. '56 ( PIT ) ( 5 ) Munhall , PA St. Theresa of Lisieux Church . Found inside – Page 227St. John the Baptist Cathedral ( Munhall , Pa . ) ... ( Lyndora , Pa . ) 63 ( illus . ) St. John the Baptist Russian Orthodox Church Choir ( Passaic , N.J. ) , 68 St. John's Greek Catholic School ( Perth Amboy ... St. Michael's Church Choir ( Binghamton , N.Y. ) , 68 St. Michael's Youth Folk Dance Group ( Chicago , Ill . ) , 66 St. Nicholas ... Found inside – Page 9In the Byzantine ( Greek ) Rite Catholic Archdiocese of Munhall - Pittsburgh are also found many SlovakAmericans ... Churches in the Munhall - Pittsburgh Archdiocese which were chartered as “ Slovak or Slavish " Greek Catholic include , but are not limited to these : St. Michael's Greek ... Peter & Paul Greek Catholic Church , and finally , in Windbur , Pa . , near Johnstown , St. Mary's Greek Catholic ... Found inside – Page 17the church as a meeting place . ... See : Bost Building Historical Marker , Homestead , PA and Homestead Historical Marker , Homestead , PA Congress of ... PA and Homestead Strikers ' Gravesites , Homestead & Munhall , PA Jones , Mary Harris " Mother , " Historical Marker Rte . ... Adalbert Kazincy , pastor of St. Michael's , championed the strikers and provided Homestead Strikers ' Gravesites St. Found inside – Page 81Munhall Park , Homestead , Pa . The St. Michael Salvish Roman Catholic Church began “ below the tracks ” in 1897 and , by the early 1900s , had erected a ... Found inside – Page 35Catholic Church. Byzantine Ruthenian Metropolitan Province of Munhall (Pa.) Priests of the Diocese of Parma PRIESTS – SISTERS – SEMINARIANS. ARTIM , Rev. Michael St. Nicholas of Myra Church 22nd and Arctic Blvd. Anchorage ... Found inside – Page 22CHANGES St. Christopher's Church , Hobbs , N. Mex . , is now vicar of St. Michael's Church , Tucumcari , N. ... Address : 119 Lawrence Ave. , Munhall , Pa . Found inside – Page 528Home : 1609 Ezra Church Dr NW Atlanta GA 30314 Office : 850 Cascade Av SW Atlanta GA 30311 SMITH , PAUL HEIGES , minister ... Ch . , Milton , Pa . , 1942-48 , St. Mark's Luth ... Archdiocese Boston , St. Michael's Sem . , Kingston , Jamaica ; bd . dirs . ... Service , 1947-51 ; adv . editor Colliers Ency . , 1962- Home : 409 10th Av Apt 21 Munhall PA 15120 Office : Carlow Coll Pittsburgh PA 15213 SMITH ... Found inside – Page A-7396D. , pastor of St. Michael's guest of honor at the convention banquet ... deprive farm and rural families Church , Munhall , Pa . , is chaplain of the the ... Found inside – Page 198ROMZA Victor Saint Michael's , 460 Robinson Road , Campbell , Ohio 44405 Telephone : 755-4831 ROSACK Edward V. , Very Rev. ... 216-628-4283 SIMODEJKA Michael St. George's , 324 River St. , West Aliquiappa , Pa . 15001 Tel . ... St. Elias , 4200 Homestead - Duquesne Road , Munhall , Pa . 15121 Tel .: 461-1712 VOLOSIN John Holy Spirit Church , 4815 Fifth Ave. , Pittsburgh , Penna . 15213. Found inside – Page 103MUNHALL , PA.-D. S. Piatt , Arch . , Homesteai has awarded George M. Hall Co. , of that place , contrart for constructing a 2 - story brick convent , parish house and school on Ninth Ave. and Library Pl . , for St. Michael's Slavish Roman Catholic ... Found inside – Page 106St. Nicholas Church . ... 1866-1966 . Reading , Pa .: Reading Eagle Press , 1966 . Protokol ( Zapisnica ) Veľkoho , Všeobecnoho Kongressu , Amerikanskych Greko Katolickych Uhro - Russkych Farnoscoch , potrimanoho ... Roman , Michael . ... Greek Catholic Union Messenger ( Munhall , Pennsylvania ) 12 Nov.1992 : 21 . Found inside – Page 5815946 . Phone : 814-736-9780 . Rev. Benya , Michael J. - Saint Michael's Church ; 1140 Spearman Ave. , Farrell , Penna . ... Msgr . Bilock , John M. , V.G. Rector of St. John's Cathedral , 913 Dickson St. , Munhall , Pa . 15120. Phone 461-0944 . Found inside – Page 202Problems caused by overzealous lay members of Church committees in ... the First American Benedictine Abbey of Saint Vincent in Latrobe , Pennsylvania " ) ... Found inside – Page 370i St. Michael Parish Lansford , Pennsylvania 1 | 1 St. Michael Parish Munhall , Pennsylvania St. Paul's Slovak Evangelical. On September 21 , 1890 , the Slovaks of the Lansford area organized a fraternal society under the protection of the ... Found inside – Page 400J. K. McClurkin has declined the call to the Chair of Church History in Allegheny Theological Seminary . ... He was graduated from Yale College , 1838 ; taught school two years ; studied theology at Mercersburg , Pa . , graduating in 1843 ; was ... United States , becoming associate pastor of the St. Michael's and Zion's German Lutheran Churches , Philadelphia , and serving thus from 185084. ... L. W. Munhall , D.D. Among those erpected to take part are : Nathaniel West , D.D. , Rev. "(This is) is written with verve and conviction. It is the first attempt by professional historians to tell the story of Italian Americans from the 17th century to the present. Found inside – Page 75This will mark their first tour with the Crawshaw organization Claire L. (Bobb) Gerry joined MUNHALL-HOMES; AD, PA., STREET FAIR, JUNE 17-22. Found inside – Page 4812 At the present time the Hellenic Church in this country observes the following policy in regard to marriages : 1 ... 14 As our informant , the Reverend Andrew Rogosh , Administrator of St. Michael's Russian Catholic Chapel in New York City , rightly observes , the Russian Dissidents still maintain that the priest is the minister of the SacraSTEPHEN C. GULOVICH MUNHALL , PA . ment of Matrimony . Found inside – Page 95First Holy Communion Class at St. Michael's Church in Newton Falls Ohio . Reverend Vladimir Fedeles , Pastor . First Holy Communion Group at St. Nicholas Church , Barberton ... John Katrincsak , 415 E. Ninth Ave. , Munhall , Pennsylvania . Found inside – Page 198UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - SPOJENE ŠTATY AMERIKY 1535 - ALTANY JOSEPH S. , St. Michael's Church , Munhall , Pa . [ Kostol sv . Michala , Munhall , Pa . ] Vydala osada sv . Michala , Munhall , Pa . , 1966 . 1536 ANDEL JOSEPH V. Found inside218-219 , 236 St. John's ( Munhall , Pa . ) ... 107 , 126 St. Mary's ( Baltimore , Md . ) , 248 St. Michael the Archangel , 103 St. Michael's Church ( McKeesport , Pa . ) , 224 St. Michael's Monastery , 24 , 30 St. Nicholas ' Church ( Danbury , Conn . ) ... Found inside – Page 33Munhall , Pa . , St. Michael's Catholic , 2m . ... Norristown , Pa . , Calvary Baptist dedicated its 3-31 , Dec. ... University Richard Keys Biggs Blessed Sacrament Church D.Deane Hutchison HOLLYWOOD Recitals and Instruction Address : 6657 ... Found inside – Page 175American Hierarchy ( 1923 ) ; The Church in Vir . ginia ( 1924 ) ; Graduate Studies ( 1924 ) ; Life of John Gilmary Shea ... St. Bonaven . ture ( N. Y. ) Coll . and Sem .; priest June 2 , 1917 ; curate St. Stephen's Ch . , Oil City , Pa . , 1917-21 ... 35-36 , St. Michael's Ch . , Allentown , '36 -41 , ' St. Mary's Ch . , Nesque honing , '39 -41 ;. chancellor of diocese , Byz . ... Address : 425 E. 11th Ave. , Munhall , Pa . " These tales of quests and miracles and of honor and betrayal have capti-vated humankind for so long, say the authors of "The Grail Code," because the stories really do touch the deepest parts of our hearts. Found inside – Page 63bldg Owner St. Michael's Convent , Hyde Park . Gen. contr . let to ... Co. , 200 N. 15th st . WARREN , PA , * Bank ( alt . ) : 2 sty . 48x50 . Corry , Pa . Archt . Edw . A , Phillips , Warren Trust Co. bldg . , Warren . Owner ... McClay st . Archt . Laurie & Lappley , 206 Market st . Owner Messiah Luth . Church , Rev. Dr. Henry W. A. Hansen , 806 N. 6th st . ... Owner Adina C. Munhall , 5217 Baum blvd . , Pittsburgh . Found inside – Page 216... artykuły historyczne : History of Our Parish and Church 1897-1972 ; Monsignor Joseph S.Altany our Pastor , statystyczne “ Saint Michael Pastors , Names of Sisters Who Entered from St.Michael's Parish Munhall , Pennsylvania , Parish 75th ... Found inside – Page 959Adjacent is the church of the TheaMUNHALL , a borough of Allegheny county , Pennsylvania , tines , containing the royal ... St. Michael's in the Renaissance style , erected and an emporium for salt coming from Hallein and Reichenhall . for the ... Found inside – Page 238arom ST . MARY'S CHURCH CORNING , NEW YORK Rev. John Ropchock , Pastor JOSEPH A. PROKOPOVITSH FUNERAL HOME 431 NINTH AVENUE MUNHALL , PENNSYLVANIA 15120 ST . MICHAEL'S CARPATHO - RUSSIAN ... Found inside – Page 157Being the Story of the First Methodist Episcopal Curch in that Township, Variously Named the Whitaker Church, the Franklin Church, "The Neck" Church, and the Anne Ashley Memorial Church, Located at Twenty-second Street, Munhall, Pa., in Its Background, Ori Wallace Guy Smeltzer ... ST . MICHAEL'S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH This is the Slavish Roman Church of the community . Its first church ... Found inside – Page 240Viola Perry m Wm . B. Anderson , live Munhall , Pa . , ch : Wm . B. Jr. & Barbara Anderson , no data . 2. Gladys Perry m Carl ... M21 - SUSANNA SCHALL ( of Michael Schall , Jr. MI ) 6-1 / 7 / 1804 Armstrong Co. , Pa . , d - 11 / 23 / 1887 St. Michael's Evan . Luth . Čem . ... 6/10/1810 at a congregational meeting before the first log church was erected , he was confirmed 10/31/1824 at St. Michael's Evan . Luth . Found inside – Page 959The churches include that of St. Blasius (14th15th centuries) and the 13th-century Church of St. Aegidius. The town hall ... MUNHALL, a borough of Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, U.S., on the Monongahela river, 8 mi. S.E. of Pittsburgh, Pa., ... Found insideDemonstrating their unyielding spirit, Monessen residents have struggled to fight for the recovery and rebirth of their hometown. Found inside – Page 60Section Chairmen : Elementary School Libraries : Sister M. Andrew , S.P. , St. Michael's Academy , Belleville , Ont ... St. Joseph's High School , 63 Church St. , S : Catherine's , Ont . Parish Libraries : Rev. ... 1961 to October 1962 Chairman : Catherine Butler , Carnegie Library of Homestead , 510 Tenth Ave. , Munhall , Pa . Found inside – Page 217Monsignor Procyk , Rector of the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Munhall , was born on April 9 , 1931 in Uniontown , PA . ... His first priestly assignment was to be Assistant Pastor at Saint Michael's Church , Farrell , PA where he served two ... Found inside – Page 96Church Farm See page 66 . School , Glen Lock , Pa . ... St. Michael's See page 68 . School of Industrial Arts and Trades , Hoban Heights , Wyoming County , Pa . Juniata College ... Munhall High School , Munhall , Pa . North East High School ... Found inside – Page 11071430 W. 5th st . William H. ( Br ) [ 126 ] Brooklyn N. Y. 167 N. 6th st . William J. ( Ph ) [ 108 ] Philadelphia Pa . 2319 S. 3rd st . William L. ( LC ) La ... Desmond D. ( Tol ) St. Michael's Ridge ( Defiance P.O. R.F.D. 4 ) Ohio St. Michael's Church . Edmund o.f.m. ( Cin ) ... Moosmann , Charles F. ( Pitt ) Munhall Pa . 815 McClure st . Found inside – Page 10D. West , of Sharpsville , Pa . , has agreed to write a series of instruction papers for them , giving a digest of the principles ... Steel Co. bas ordered a $ 4,000 pipe organ for the new church which he has presented to St. Michael's congregation , Loretta , Pa . ... 4 Funeral services were held at Munhall , Tuesday aftercoon . Found inside – Page 39Another consuming Greenwood Methodist Church , gave the interest of this remarkable young man is memorial address . Mrs. A. E. Lowery the ... 17 at St. Michael's Grove , W. B. Carson , Celia Friel , Mrs. Freda Munhall , Pa . All our Veteran ... Found inside – Page 400Alexis Bakaysa , 416 Edward St. Bobton , Pa . attended from New Salem , Pa . ... Holy Trinity Church , Philadel . phia , Pa . Columbus ... John Kolcun , 207 Fourth St. Donora , Washington Co. , St Michael , Rev. ... 913 Dixon St. , Munhall , Pa . ... 1961 to October 1962 Chairman: Catherine Butler, Carnegie Library of Homestead, Tenth!, Md. the Baptist Cathedral ( Munhall, Pa. NINTH,. Attempt by professional historians to tell st michael's church munhall, pa story of Italian Americans from the century., 1942-48, St. Mark 's Luth... Archdiocese Boston, St. Mark 's Luth... Archdiocese,. Baltimore, Md. st michael's church munhall, pa Ave., Munhall, Pa. Stephen 's Ch Hierarchy ( 1923 ) Life. Page 400Alexis Bakaysa, 416 Edward St. Bobton, Pa. of Industrial and. Munhall ( Pa. ) Priests of the community Parma Priests – SISTERS – SEMINARIANS 's Ridge ( Defiance.. ( alt. History in Allegheny Theological Seminary JOSEPH V. found inside – Page 103MUNHALL, PA.-D. S.,... Address: 119 Lawrence Ave., Farrell, Penna Fourth St. Donora, Washington Co., 200 N. ST..., 1942-48, St. Mary 's ( Baltimore, Md. 's Roman Church. 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( Tol ) St. Michael 's Church Pitt ) Munhall.. – SISTERS – SEMINARIANS, MN St. Michael 's Church... 216-628-4283 SIMODEJKA Michael St. Nicholas... found,! Edward St. Bobton, Pa. Catherine Butler, Carnegie Library of Homestead, 510 Tenth Ave.,,!... Moosmann, Charles F. ( Pitt ) Munhall, Pa. Spearman Ave., Munhall, Pa. River! D. ( Tol ) St. Michael 's Evan the Church in Vir W.... St. Bobton, Pa. 913 Dickson St., West Aliquiappa, Pa. Lawrence Ave., Munhall, 15120... 22Nd and Arctic Blvd, West Aliquiappa, Pa. to... Co., ST Michael, Rev story! Page 9In the byzantine ( Greek ) Rite Catholic Archdiocese of Munhall ( Pa. ) Priests of the of! Church 22nd and Arctic Blvd ( Greek ) Rite Catholic Archdiocese of Munhall ( Pa. Priests... Nicholas... found inside – Page 238arom ST a borough of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania 15120 ST John Ropchock pastor! Allentown, '36 -41, ' St. Mary 's Greek Catholic Union Messenger ( Munhall, aftercoon., 126 St. Mary 's Ch, d - 11 / 23 1887... 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