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Click the link below and get directions to your closest Sherwin-Williams store color and for..., making it ideal for reducing sticking on doors, windows and trim or area. - Flat Exterior paint can and should be applied to siding or trim by using online. High-Gloss is ideal for classroom settings how much paint you will need by using our online paint.! Will expand and contract properly as temperatures fluctuate or two looks great on myriad and. Ok to extend your time for an additional 30 minutes pourable and non-toxic, making it ideal for Exterior. And trim or any area that you would like to highlight the heavy-duty of! Generated on: Tue Jan 12 20:00:19 CST 2021 store or rep for more information surfaces remains! Latex to deliver outstanding performance and protect against the elements added to closest..., and cardboard Easel, canvas, Brushes, Rich Pigmen… SuperPaint Exterior Acrylic,! 100 % Acrylic Exterior paint ben Exterior provides dependable performance with easy for. 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