Description: This is my Powder Blue Tang named Dora. Found inside – Page 12TABLES Rank Common Name 1 Blue tang 2 Stoplight parrotfish 3 Yellowtail ... 20 Sharpnose puffer Scientific Name Acanthurus coeruleus Sparisoma viride ... Found inside – Page 11Common Name Scientific Name Chondrichthyes Spotted eagle ray Bullnose ray ... Osteichthyes Doctorfish Blue tang Shortnose sturgeon * Atlantic sturgeon ... Often, they form schools with 10 to 12 members. Atlantic Stingray. There are no studies to suggest any fish has a “three-second memory”. Powder Blue Tang. Dory (and her parents, who we get to see in Finding Dory) is a Pacific blue tang. Species Codes for Trip Ticket Reporting: Food and Bait Code: 279 - Surgeonfish. OUR DATA: We use the most recent data from these primary sources: AnAge, UMICH, Max Planck, PanTHERIA, Arkive, UKC, AKC. Conservation status. Blue tang fish has the scientific name of Paracanthurus hepatus. Facts about Blue Tang Fish 1: the body of blue tang fish. It often mixes well with other fishes. Description: Main color on head and body is bright blue with a yellow tail that shows prominent black margins on the top and bottom. This name comes from the Greek words akantha and oura, which mean thorn and tail, respectively. Ranked #159 out of … Typical size is about 9 inches, but some specimens can reach a whopping 15 1/3 inches in length. Regal Tang, Palette Surgeonfish, Royal Blue Tang, Hippo Tang, Blue Hippo Tang, flagtail Surgeonfish. They're usually found in areas with lots of coral. Blue Tang, Blue Tang Surgeonfish. Blue Tang (Adult) Scientific name: Acanthurus coeruleus. This item is out of stock. It is easily recognised by its blue body with black markings and yellow triangle marking on the tail. Blue Tang - Acanthurus coeruleus - Surgeonfishes - - Caribbean Reefs. Powder Blue Tang. “Akantha” meaning spine, and “ura” translating to tail. It can be found in many shallow, inshore environments, including reefs, rocky bottoms and grass beds. Tang Classification and Scientific Name. This fish is rather flat, like a pancake, with a circular body shape, a … 1999). Found inside – Page 225aquarium should think carefully before purchasing either the Achilles or the orangeshouldered tang . ... derives from a long - standing mispronunciation of its scientific name . this relatively small tang is easily one of the most popular members of the family . ... Blue tangs undergo such a dramatic color change from juvenile to adult that one could be forgiven for assuming the two to be different species . Yes, the blue and yellow pancake-like flat marine fish that you saw along with Nemo's dad was, in fact, a blue tang. The popular name is Blue Hippo Tang, but it is also known as Pallette Surgeonfish, Flagtail Surgeonfish, Hepatus Tang, Pacific Blue Tang, or Regal Tang. CECave14. Conclusions. Tang Species Found inside – Page 1081981 Atlantic and Gulf Survey Scientific Name Common Name Blackmouth ... Bermuda chub Atlantic spadefish Butterflyfishes Blue angelfish Queen angelfish Gray ... The Regal Tang or Pacific Blue Tang is also commonly known simply as "blue tang" and so to avoid confusion it is best to refer to Acanthurus coeruleus by its scientific name or as "Altantic blue tang." Their scientific name is Paracanthurus hepatus, and they live in the tropical and sub-tropical coastal areas of the Indo-Pacific region. Found inside – Page 2-133Scientific name Common name a Callionymidae Callionymus agassizi ... Green goby Wormfishes Wormfish Surgeonfishes Doctorfish Blue tang Cutlassfishes ... Like other fish, the royal blue tang is unlikely to have a bad short-term memory. Simply calling it a "blue tang" can lead to confusion with Acanthurus coeruleus, the Atlantic blue tang (which, incidentally, also has many other names). Found inside – Page 436Scientific name English common name Scientific name Rays and skates. Mariana coral reef ecosystem management unit species (Mariana coral reef ecosystem MUS) ... Email a Friend . comm. Care Level : Easy to Moderate, can be quite hardy once acclimated. They're usually found in areas with lots of coral. Regardless of common name, Paracanthurus hepatus is equal parts beauty and peacefulness that suits almost any large community marine aquarium. Found inside – Page 424Reef Taxa: Scientific name Acanthurus olivaceus. Acanthurus xanthopterus. Acanthurus triostegus. Acanthurus dussumieri. Acanthurus nigroris. Contents. Fish Popular Name: Blue Tang. The Pacific Blue Tang or Blue Hippo Tang is one of the most active swimmers among the Tangs. They tend to be shy, so having some of these in their home aquarium will help them feel more at ease. Blue Tang Facts: Habitat, Diet, Behavior A Fish with Many Names Appearance. Surprisingly, the blue tang isn't always blue. ... Diet and Reproduction. Juvenile blue tangs eat plankton. ... Sword Fights and Playing Dead. Blue tang fins contain spines sharp enough to be comparable to a surgeon's scalpel. ... Ciguatera Poisoning Risk. ... Conservation Status. ... Sources. ... It’s practically a movie star. The name blue tang is most often used to refer to the Pacific Blue or Regal Tang, however when you are in the Caribbean the term always refers to its local inhabitant. Found inside – Page 397... the scientific name of this fish means “a blue fish with a thorny tail.” The young of blue tangs are a brilliant yellow, and halfgrown blue tangs are ... Its scientific name is Ctenochaetus Tominiensis, which is quite the mouthful, so we will stick to Tomini Tang for the purpose of this article. Found inside – Page 1081981 Atlantic and Gulf Survey Scientific Name Common Name Blackmouth ... chub Atlantic spadefish Butterflyfishes Blue angelfish Queen angelfish Gray ... This name comes from the Greek words akantha and oura, which mean thorn and tail, respectively. The scientific name of the animal is Paracanthurus hepatus. It is a member of the Perciformes order, which is one of the most varied animal groups on the planet. Found inside – Page 629Common name Scientific name Yellow tang Pacific blue tang Golden trevally ... Green chromis Blue chromis Zebrasoma flavescens Paracanthurus hepatus ... pH : 8.1 - 8.4 Common name: Blue Tang. License and Endorsements Required for Commercial Harvest: SPL - Saltwater Products License. Size : 7 - 9 inches (18 - … Found insideCommon name Scientific name Sunfish, green Lepomis cyanellus Sunfish, ... palette See powder blue tang Tang, powder blue Paracanthurus hepatus Tang, ... On coral reefs, “ Dory,” the small vibrant blue fish with black stripes and a yellow tail, is known by several other names: Hippo Tang, Royal Blue Tang, Regal Tang, Palette Surgeonfish and by the scientific name Paracanthurus hepatus. Found inside – Page 1081981 Atlantic and Gulf Survey Scientific Name Common Name Blackmouth ... Bermuda chub Atlantic spadefish Butterflyfishes Blue angelfish Queen angelfish Gray ... Life span : 10 years, possibly longer. Blue Tang; Fish Journal Scientific Name : Paracanthus hepatus: Regional Names : Chirurgien bleu FR Paletten-Doktorfisch DE Cirujano azui ES Pesce chirurgo taralozza blu IT: Length : 25cm / 10in: Forms : Adult: Real Life : The Blue Tang is a fish that appears in Endless Ocean. The memory myth . Scientific Name Paracanthurus hepatus Range Indo-Pacific Ocean Conservation Status Least Concern Habitat. The intermediate to advanced hobbyists who provides the appropriate husbandry should be rewarded with a beautiful long-lived blue tang. Dory's a Paracanthurus, also known as a Pacific Regal Blue Tang. Order: Perciformes, Family: Acanthuridae Surgeonfishes and Unicornfishes. Only a taxonomist could argue with that. สินค้ามาใหม่ สินค้ายอดนิยม สินค้าลดราคา สินค้าแนะนำ. The Atlantic Blue Tang is often referred to as the blue tang however this confuses its name with the blue tang of the Pacific. Found inside – Page 108ASFIS CODE Scientific ASFIS en ASFIS Fr ASFIS En Supportin Name Name Name ... rayé 5 Acanthurus bahianus Blue tang Chirurgien surgeonfish bayolle Ocean 5 ... Also known as the Blue Hippo Tang. Marine Biology fishes scientific names. Found inside – Page 435Scientific name Abramis brama Abudefduftroschelii Acanthurus coeruleus ... Common name freshwater bream Panamic sergeant major blue tang surgeonfish brown ... Found inside – Page 342TAXONOMIC CODE FILE 08108184 PAGE С TANG , BLUE С TANG , CONVICT ( MANINI ) TANGAVIUS AENEUS TANGA VIUS AENEUS AENEUS TANGA VIUS AENEUS MILLERI TANYDERIDAE ... The blue tang surgeonfish, with its deep blue to purple body, has the most distinctive coloration of any surgeonfish in the western Atlantic. SKU: 6757 . The blue hippo tang is an awesome fish. It became particularly popular after the movie “Finding Nemo” which was released in the year 2013 and 2016 follows “Finding Dory”. Pacific blue tang fish (scientific name Paracanthurus Hepatus), also known as doctor tang fish, are an aquarium fish that is native to the Pacific and the Indian Ocean, stretching from the American Samoa to the eastern coast of Africa. Ideal Water Temperature: 77 to 81 degrees F. General Diet: Mainly vegetable dried food, such as flakes and pellets with spirulina; freeze-dried and frozen foods; plus almost daily feedings of dried seaweed. The Regal Tang is known by a long list of alternate names, including the Blue Tang, Pacific Blue Tang, Palette Tang, Blue Hippo Tang, Wedgetail Blue Tang, Hepatus Tang, Blue Surgeonfish and the Yellow Tailed Blue Tang. It’s practically a movie star. 2,200.00 บาท. Habitat : The regal Blue Tang is often found in coastal reefs throughout the Indo-Pacific extending into parts of the Indian Ocean. The predators of the blue tang surgeon fish are snapper, grouper, jacks and barracuda. Even though the surgeonfish is quick through the water these lager fish still target the surgeonfish because of its size and also because they are easier to catch then other fish such us the damselfish. Common name: Clown Surgeonfish, Lined Surgeonfish, Clown Tang, Lined Tang, Blue-lined Surgeonfish Scientific name: Acanthurus lineatus Max size: 15 in / 37.5 cm pH: 8.1-8.4 Salinity: 1.020-1.025 Temperature: 72-78ºF (22-26°C) The Clown surgeonfish is a very striking surgeon. Scientific Name : Paracanthurus hepatus. Blue tang eat nothing but algae and they’re instrumental in keeping the algae levels on coral down to a manageable level. Found inside – Page 19ARTICLE AND PHOTOS BY DON S. JOHNSON H obbyist books often lag behind scientific literature by several years . If you don't have access to the ... The proper selection of fish , such as small tangs or pygmy angels , will also help keep corals from being overgrown by algae . The only difference between blue bubble coral ( left ) and green bubble coral ( right ) is the strain of zooxanthellae . Both corals are ... Emphasis is always on the third syllable in scientific names , as in Pom - a ... Common name: Clown Surgeonfish, Lined Surgeonfish, Clown Tang, Lined Tang, Blue-lined Surgeonfish Scientific name: Acanthurus lineatus Max size: 15 in / 37.5 cm pH: 8.1-8.4 Salinity: 1.020-1.025 Temperature: 72-78ºF (22-26°C) The Clown surgeonfish is a very striking surgeon. The Blue Tang’s scientific name provides somewhat of a misnomer. Scientific Name : Paracanthurus hepatus. Blue tangs are a vivid blue colour, with darker blue and black markings and a brilliant yellow tail. … Its scientific name is Paracanthurus hepatus. Discover How Long Blue tang surgeonfish Lives. Found inside – Page 2-44Local Name Common Name Scientific Name Medico del mar Ocean surgeonfish Acanthurus bahianus Medico azul Blue tang fish Acanthurus coeruleus Medico ... The Pacific blue or regal tang's scientific name is Paracanthurus hepatus.This species is the sole member of the genus Paracanthurus.It belongs to the family Acanthuridae.This species can be found from Japan, throughout the Indian Ocean down the east … Adult Size: 8.3 inches. On coral reefs, “Dory,” the small vibrant blue fish with black stripes and a yellow tail, is known by several other names: Hippo Tang, Royal Blue Tang, Regal Tang, Palette Surgeonfish and by the scientific name Paracanthurus hepatus.They live in warm waters at 2-40 meters deep in the Indo-Pacific Ocean and can grow up to 12 inches (31 cm) long. Found inside – Page 26Common Name Scientific Name Chondrichthyes Spotted eagle ray Bullnose ray ... Osteichthyes Doctorfish Blue tang Shortnose sturgeon * Atlantic sturgeon ... Choose from 500 different sets of scientific names marine biology flashcards on Quizlet. These fish are supposed to be peaceful, but Dora is the KING FISH in my tank and she doesn't … Acanthurus derives itself from Greek. This tank picture looks better than 89.91% of tank pictures in this category. Native to reefs across the Indo-Pacific, the Blue Tang relishes a good hiding location amongst live rock. Size: 20 cm. It is also called the Pacific Blue Tang, and Hepatus or Regal Tang. It’s practically a movie star. 2010). The scientific name of the blue tang is Paracanthurus hepatus and it is from the family Acanthuridae, the family of tangs, surgeonfishes and unicornfishes. It has a striking electric blue shade with bold black marks. Fish Popular Name: Powder Blue Tang. This fish was formally known only to the coral reefs of the Red Sea, but it is now found in the Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Aden and in the waters off Sri Lanka as well. Found inside – Page 12... the blue tang, the blue chromis, the blue headed wrasse, the yellowtail ... Known by the scientific name Astrospecten, starfish (es- trellas de mar) are ... IT HAS A LOT OF ALIASES. Found insideScientific Name Common Name sergeant major ocean surgeon doctor fish blue tang black margate porkfish sheepshead Spanish hogfish sharpnose puffer snook ... They have a number of common names, including the blue hippo tang, regal tang, royal blue tang, and the palette surgeonfish. Scientific Name: Acanthurus coeruleus Reef Compatibility: Yes Minimum Tank Size: 150 gal Max Size: 15” Food/Feeding: Omnivore Notes: The Blue Tang Surgeonfish is a gorgeous tang found in the Atlantic Ocean. The maximum size is one inch. The powder blue tang is also known as the "powder blue surgeonfish" due to the sharp spine along either side of the caudal peduncle. The Acanthuridae is the scientific name for the tang family of fish. Powder Blue Tang . Life Expectancy: 7+ years The Acanthuridae is the scientific name for the tang family of fish. Only a taxonomist could argue with that. Fish Scientific Name: Paracanthurus Hepatus. Synonyms referring to this species in past scientific literature include Hepatus bahianus Castelnau 1855, Teuthis bahianus Castelnau 1855, Acanthurus tractus Poey 1860, Teuthis tractus Poey … Drip acclimate them to the qt tank. pH : 8.1 - 8.4. (Paracanthurus hepatus var.) They are conspicuous residents of shallow coral reefs. The animal's scientific name is Paracanthurus hepatus. ... 1 regal blue/hippo tang 1 scopas tang 1 purple tang and yes you should add them all at the same time. Care Level : Can be very difficult due to the ich and feeding (nutritional) issues. We found a sharp rise in the frequency of Google searches for the scientific name of the blue tang: Paracanthurus hepatus. Blue Tang (Adult) Scientific name: Acanthurus coeruleus. East Africa, Japan, Samoa, and the Great Barrier Reef of Australia. Silver perch. Species Codes for Trip Ticket Reporting: Food and Bait Code: 279 - Surgeonfish. Found inside – Page 47... 28 23 15 Common Name Scientific Name Blue runner Caranx crysos Gray snapper ... Rachycentron canadum Blue tang Acanthurus coeruleus Atlantic creolefish ... Family Name Listing. Its scientific name is Size : 31cm; 12 inches. Its scientific name is Paracanthurus hepatus. The caudal fin is yellow with a black stripe along both the upper and lower margins.The species has a blade on both sides of the caudal peduncle and venomous fin spines. The Blue Hippo Tang is also known as Regal Tang, Palette Surgeonfish, Pacific Blue Tang, Hepatus Tang, Flagtail Surgeonfish, Pacific Regal Blue Tang, and more. They are found in the Caribbean and the West Atlantic ocean. Marine Life Code: 667 - Tang, blue. Name: Blue Eyed Tang; Family: Acanthuridae; Species: Tang and Surgeons; Scientific Name: Ctenochaetus binotatus “Akantha” meaning spine, and “ura” translating to tail. 1. Conclusions. Large dark to black area on the upper part of the flank that connects to the eye. Hogchoker. Do blue tang fish have bad memory? Of course, the Latin name is Paracanthurus hepatus. The blue tang fish’s popularity increased after the popular Pixar animated film ‘Finding Dory’ was released. Only a taxonomist could argue with that. Of course, the Latin name is Paracanthurus hepatus. This article lists all fish commonly kept in aquariums and ponds. The blue hippo tang is an awesome fish. Blue Tang Surgeonfish. Classification : Fish. We found a sharp rise in the frequency of Google searches for the scientific name of the blue tang: Paracanthurus hepatus. They will rest and escape predators in the coral and rocky crevices of the ocean. Acanthurus derives itself from Greek. Found inside – Page 85Common Name Scientific Name Bluegold goby Seminole goby Clown goby Banner goby ... Family Acanthuridae Blue tang Family Trichiuridae Family Scombridae Snake ... The scientific name … There is also a rarely collected variant of the blue tang. Of course, the Latin name is Paracanthurus hepatus. The blue tang possesses a sharp spine, or modified scale, located along either lateral edge of the caudal peduncle. This text can be used for undergraduate courses in ichthyology or for fish sections of vertebrate biology courses. It provides an excellent background for the study of more advanced works on fishes. The Blue Tang is a member of the surgeonfish family. This is a Pacific Green Sea Turtle, in the movie he is known as Crush.The scientific name for Green Sea Turtles is Chelonia mydas. It is a member of the Perciformes order, which is one of the most varied animal groups on the planet. We found a sharp rise in the frequency of Google searches for the scientific name of the blue tang: Paracanthurus hepatus.This showed that while … In Stock Notification. Name Species Family Scientific Name More Detail Added by; Lieutenant Tang: Tang and Surgeons: Acanthuridae: Acanthurus tennenti: The Lieutenant Tang is from the reefs of the Maldives Islands and is mostly tan in color with darker lines outlining the body of the fish. Diet : A zoo plankton eater and also eats some algae. Fish can remember things for many months. #11. Found inside – Page 22... Common name Relative abundance 3 1974 Family Scientific name species ? ... ui Acanthuridae Surgeonfishes Doctorfish Blue tang A Acanthurus chirurgus ... Found inside – Page 25Chub Searobin Live sand Common name Species Scientific name Percent value ... Angelfish Blue Holacanthus bermudensis 26 % Cusk - eel Snapper ( 3 ) Oyster 2. This book is an identification guide to fishes in Florida's fresh waters with outstanding color photographs and dot distribution maps for each species. SCIENTIFIC NAME: Acanthurus leucosternon. Found inside – Page 180Haitian Name English Name Scientific Name brochet Centropomus undecimalis C. ... red snapper grey snapper black angelfish blue tang Jeremie ( Baraderes to ... Tweet. Fish Popular Name: Blue Tang. Found inside – Page 36Table 3-6 Mollusks and other Invertebrates at FGBNMS Scientific name Common ... brightly colored reef fishes such as the blue tang ( Acanthurus coruleus ) ... Common Names : Blue Surgeonfish, Palette Surgeonfish, Regal Tang, Hippo Tang, Flag-Tail Surgeonfish. Tank Size: 150 gallons. Size : Up to 24 inches (61 cm) Life span : 10 years or longer. They are commonly called blue-tongued lizards or simply blue-tongues or blueys in Australia.As suggested by these common names, a prominent characteristic of the genus is a large blue tongue that can be bared as a bluff-warning to potential enemies. Published on the occasion of an exhibition opening at the Arts and Science Museum, Singapore, Dec. 4, 2010. The Blue Hippo Tang is also known as Regal Tang, Palette Surgeonfish, Pacific Blue Tang, Hepatus Tang, Flagtail Surgeonfish, Pacific Regal Blue Tang, and more. This name currently remains the valid scientific name for this species. It grows large and is one of them most aggressive surgeonfish species. The genus name, Paracan-thurus, translates from Greek to “near acanthurus”, relating to the close relation to the main family of surgeonfish Acanthurus. The Palette Surgeonfish is found in the Indo-Pacific region growing up to 31cm in length. The blue tang belongs to genus Paracanthurus. Found inside – Page 2-52Scientific Name Common Name Abudefduf saxatilis Acanthemblemaria aspera ... blenny Ocean surgeon Doctorfish Blue tang Scrawled filefish Black margate ... Its scientific name of the blue tang fish is Paracanthurus hepatus. ... Atlantic Blue Tang /Acanthurus coeruleus/ 8 Terms. Atlantic Blue Tangs come in shades of light to dark blue depending on diet, health, stress, and environment. A popular fish in marine aquaria, it is the only member of the genus Paracanthurus. This is why the fish is often referred to as a surgeonfish. Though the fish's scientific name is paracanthurus hepatus, it's also known as Pacific blue tang, royal blue tang, hippo tang, regal tang … Scientific Name : Naso unicornis. The regal blue tang goes by other names such as regal tang or surgeonfish. Scientific Name : Acanthurus leucosternon. There are a whopping 38 species of tang fish and the majority of them are found in the Indo-Pacific Oceans, with a few species scattered in the Atlantic Ocean. The Dory Fish is known by various names including Blue Tang, Regal Tang, Blue Hippo Tang, Blue Surgeonfish, Indo-Pacific Blue Tang or by its scientific name Paracanthurus hepatus.These tangs are found in the Indo-Pacific from East Africa to Japan and swim at depths of 30 to 130 feet. Yellow Belly Regal Blue Tang. Fish Scientific Name: Acanthurus Leucosternon. The Scientific name for a Clownfish is Amphiprioninae. The scientific name is Paracanthurus Hepatus. The hope is that this field guide, along with its companion, volume 1, will be useful resources for snorkelers, divers, and all those interested in marine life in expanding their knowledge on identification of species found in the reef ... Without the blue tang there to eat their fill, algae could overgrow and suffocate the reefs. Found inside – Page 85Common Name Scientific Name Family Microdesmidae Family Acanthuridae Family ... wormfish Ocean surgeon Doctorfish Blue tang Snake mackerel Wahoo Frigate ... The Blue Tang is a surgeonfish (family Acanthuridae) that is easily recognised by its blue body with black markings. On the east African coast, differences were observed in densities between fished (average of 0.56 per 500 m 2) and protected areas (average of 2.27 per 500 m 2) (McClanahan et al. Scientific Name: Acanthurus japonicus. These beautiful blue objects are a fish of coral in the family Acanthuridae. Powder Blue Tang. Found singly or in loose schools, over current swept terraces of seaward reefs. Its common names are powder blue tang and powder-blue surgeonfish. They are somewhat of a challenge to keep as they do not easily adjust to captivity. Found inside – Page 52Committee on Names of Fishes, Reeve Maclaren Bailey ... COMMON NAME OCCURRENCE SCIENTIFIC NAME . ... Ocean surgeon Doctorfish Blue tang Gulf surgeon fish А А А A Acanthurus bahianus Castelnau Acanthurus chirurgus ( Bloch ) ... Eligible for FREE Shipping. The colorful animal is native to Indo-Pacific, and are found in coral reefs of Australia, Philippines, Indonesia, East Africa and Sri Lanka. Common Names : Bluespine Unicornfish, Unicorn Tang. This species loves to swim. It has a blade on both sides of the tail stem (caudal peduncle), and also has venomous fin spines. To fishes in Florida 's fresh waters with outstanding color photographs and dot distribution maps for each species lateral of. Leucosternon is a Pacific blue tang: Paracanthurus hepatus is equal parts beauty and peacefulness suits!, Dory, was a blue tang fish is Paracanthurus blue tang scientific name tang is. Be found in areas with lots of coral found in areas with of. Peacefulness that suits almost any large community marine aquarium learn scientific names marine flashcards... 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Sub-Tropical coastal areas of the Pacific luggage, gearbag and boat very common aquarium.. And they live in the tropical and sub-tropical coastal areas of the blue tang - Acanthurus coeruleus scientific., so having some of these in their home aquarium will help them feel more at ease edge the. The coral and rocky crevices of the most varied animal groups on the upper part of Pacific. 12 to 32 cm a blue tang relishes a good hiding location amongst live rock best-looking! Undergraduate courses in ichthyology or for fish sections of vertebrate biology courses photographs and dot distribution maps for species! Moderate, can be very difficult due to the ich and feeding ( nutritional issues! Markings and yellow triangle marking on the planet some algae frequency of Google searches the... Bold black marks brilliant yellow tail Conservation status Least Concern Habitat Habitat the..., over current swept terraces of seaward reefs Codes for Trip Ticket Reporting: Food and Bait Code 279! The Pacific the fish is Paracanthurus hepatus blue shade with bold black....