Found inside – Page 368Louisiana Monroe - El Dorado , Ark . ingso KTVE Ch . 10 Arkadelphia abc El Dorado a Springhill MORE HOUSE L.Pppidence 2 ह Yazoo ... WASHINGTON EVANFELICIANA FELICIANA HELEN GELINE Bogalusoe , ST Villa LANDRY TANGI EAST CARSOLL ... Ownership : Gray Communications Systems Inc. For other interests , see WALB - TV , Albany , Ga . ... Sale to William Simon ( 52 % ) and WVET - TV ( 48 % ) by co - equal owners Dr. Joe F. Rushton , W. C. Blewster Jr. & Wm . M. Found inside – Page 1856Our engineers will for country homes - as modern and sanitary as city plumbing . The diapers should ... It of highest quality , usually sold Oranges , grapefruit , tangerines , lemons - will in England , which we offer be grown in Polk County this year . ... G. A. Cardwell , Desk D | Wilbur McCoy , Desk D able for country residences , with beautiful shade trees , springs , small playthings . ... The Nurse We Didn't Want - By Helen ChrisAn unusual “ get acquaintN. ... Send for photos to owner . Found inside – Page 16This is your last bis own lands and sells at bottom prices and on opportunity to buy cheap land in Southwestern good terms . ... watermelons , cantaloupes , tomatoes , have been able to acquire homes through the Building & Loan Associations . ... of farm land prevailing in the renting sections of the For sale by owner , 20 to 40 acres irrigated Make your own pump . ... Helen Good , Delicato Pink Handsome Art Illustrations SPECIAL BARGAINS This plan puts you , the farm worker , on ... Found inside – Page 373PETERSHAM , MASS . , For Sale , old - fashioned country house on rooms , all conveniences , overlookin , harbor , with ... In Berkeley GEORGIA magnificent home of 16 rooms in exclusive HELEN L. THURSTON , 20 Pleasant St. Telephone 80 ... Carry 200 cattle and lot of hogs . inutes of the University of California , now 650 - acre farm in fine community half cultiWrite owner , J. A. Herucall , Hecla , Neb ... Found inside – Page 67Representative C. C. MITCHELL BILL SANDERS RIDES FOR SALE 1950 Parker ... Phone 4-5508 Thank You STANLEY MAZURKIEWICZ Ride Owner Morris Hannom Shows For ... Found inside – Page 2For sale or rent : week or season call ( 802 ) 746-5171 . ... Jack Horton '60 , grandson of the original owner , welcomed Susan and Dean Groel , New Vernon ... Found inside – Page 379BEST BARGAIN $ 65 To $ 250 A Month POULTRY DEPARTMENT . whitewash the house once a year , you will not only have a neat ... Address the owner The earth worm theory is the most on the premises , Terms Easy . ... to which A desirable property in Lake Helen , Fla . , is hereby offered for sale comprising seventy - seven not know just what kerosene ... Fe does not desire to leave Lake Helen , It should be kept in a closed can in a The Georgia Southern & Florida railroad is but to ... Found inside10278 Georgia Generals Soccer ( Pro . ) . 10278 Georgia Journal of Reading . ... 9896 Helen Hiers ... 9531 Hicks Communications . ... 10048 Homes For Sale By Owner , Inc..10081 Homestead Real Estate Co .. . 9586 Hometrend Real Estate ... Found inside – Page 81 Am.- bred Bitches , Helen Pegg's Tzuzie . ... Nell , who one of the best equipped homes for is now showing heavy in whelp to Ch . dogs to be found in this country . ... The management and while there succeeded in purchaswill retain their up - to - date and mod ing from the owner ... Vivian Ver . run my for sale advertisement of lee , by Ex - Mayor Jack Nolan , whelp Airedale pups this month , as I sold ed ... Found insideHere are tales that will make readers laugh and cry and embrace with passion the calling of our better angels to change the way we take care of ourselves, our families, our communities, and the world. Found inside – Page 330DR HARVEY H JACKSON ; CLAYTON JR COLLEGE ; BOX 285 ; MORROW , GA 30260. ... THE SQUARE & HOMES AND BUSINESSES WILL BE ENCOURAGED TO BUY AND DISPLAY FLAGS . Found inside – Page 160We always have a number of carePure - bred , yearling Guernsey bulls at farmers fully selected cows for sale at reasonable prices . ... A. W. COLWELL & SON , Helen . females and 8 May Rosc bulls , 5 of them ready for ville , Wis . service . ... 10 - room house , large cellar , barn and all For Sale - 133 acre farm in Oconto County , two necessary out buildings . ... three Buy direct from owner , great bargains in land in hundred head of poultry , twenty head of work prosperous and well ... Found inside – Page 26June , 2003 at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Parish Helen Koryo Dzikunu ( Danida HSSO , Accra ) , house for sale at WIDOW : Agnes Nimako Church , Mensah ... Found inside – Page 145Island hideaway for 4, ocean bluff house, private beach, free brochure, $800/week. (603)673-6079. ... FOR SALE BY OWNER. $89,000. 207-862-3272. Found inside – Page 25He is survived by his widow , Mrs Helen F DeGruchy of 3614 No Abingdon St , Arlington ; one daughter , Mrs A E Thatcher of San Marino , Calif ; one son , Lt Col O W DeGruchy ... GRADY - Died at Atlanta , Ga , 25 Nov 55 , 2d Lt John A Grady , Ret . ... Other selected homes available for sale or rent . ... Owner will sacrifice . Found inside – Page 497Rockport and Pigeon Cove Seashore and Village Houses To Let and for Sale Great variety, new and old style houses. $1,500-$10,000. HELEN THURSTON, 20 Pleasant St., Telephone 80, Rockport, Mass. SWIFT ... Owner, 9,607, Outlook. ... In uig-room, library, i bathrooms, 5 servant rooms, 3 pantnes, laundry, porches: splendid water supply electric lights, telephone ga- ra ;e arid stable with 4 stalls. Found inside – Page 305Editorial entitled " The Housing Prospect " from , A415 . ... by Surplus Property Act : to clarify regarding sale of housing to veterans ( see H. J. Res . Found inside – Page 338Although Ga'axsta'las objected to colonial representations of the sale of women, ... In 1961, Helen Codere summarized the state of potlatching in Part VII 338. Found inside – Page 1346No Color Dir. Experience Exchange Report Building Owners and Managers Assn. Intl., 1201 New York Ave. NW, 300, Washington. ... Covers the design, sale, construction, A financing of housing in the state of GA. В Bk. Revs 1987 M $4/copy ... Found inside – Page 346HISTORIC HOMES AND SITES Q 55 Nora Mill Granaryand CountryStore (706-878-1280 or 1-800-927-2375;, 7107 South Main Street/GA 75, Helen. Found inside – Page 27aveMERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 81 Miscellaneous for Sale 59 69 Household ... Cash . Owner . THE THRIFT SHOP - 304 Pythlan newed . Henry's 585 Portage . HILLCREST - Beautiful brick and red ... space , and WESTNEDGE , N. , 203 ( REAR ) -Two private bath and en- Electricity , running water , boat . ga- heat . ... Dial 2-3866 Helen Wellenkamp . Found inside – Page 76Hi WANT for Warner Robbins, Ga., Air Base week of Nov. 4 Civilian and military pay — men all in with families and government homes. Found inside – Page 280Minn . stone milk house with water piped from living well be yard ; 3 - room frame tenement house with porch anh ... Address Owner , Box 12 , Colorado Springs , ington , Mo , Colo .. or Sale - 30 - acre orchard , one mile northeast of For ... Columbia , Orem , Com Ark . monwealth , Chesapeake , Longfellow , Helen Davis , FenFamous Springdale fruit district . ... Ten acres apple orebards here produce yearly incomes of $ 3,000 ; best climate : Georgia healthy section ; near large markets . Found inside – Page 57The mansion depicted most of the homes in this 1899 neighborhood the first Atlanta ... NW , Atlanta , GA 30327 ( 1966 ) ; Asa Griggs Candler Bible ( Owner ... Found inside – Page 645Special Real Estate Announcements Real Country Just Outside New York with man's room and carpenter pop , modem THE WELDON HOTEL Sea ... FOR , * Breezy Beach , " on Lake Morey , Fairlee , MASSACHUSETTS For sale , gentleman's country estate , beauVt . ... Owner , Box 163 , Tryon , N. C. Modern conveniences , gas , set tubs , fireless NEW YORK tion . ... Ga Miss HELEN METCALF , Tarrytown , N. Y. In Vermont there are thousands of lor , Bedroom and Bath ( 1 or 2 rage . Found inside – Page 18CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS All Classified Ads must be sent to Mrs. Helen Allen with check . LENT FLASH ! ... Alter to suit tenant or sell reasonable . Call GA . 8880 - J . FOR SALE , RENT OR COMMISSION — Fully equipped Dental office . Excellent ... 2-5474 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE LAKE COTTAGE ON PATTERSON LAKE ( One of chain of seven lakes ) ... For Sale by owner— $ 7,500.00 . Found inside – Page 739HELEN W. PRIEM , Prestige location near privata ICU VLIuurli 1971 sons , Colonials , con 1 ... rom $ 50,000 ESTABROOKS 584WELLESLEY - PRIVACY GA . courses . Found inside – Page 31-768He used houses as 13 AFTR2d 535 , 326 F2d 760 . summer homes until he moved out of city To same effect , where ... put some furniceeds from sale of house owners used while ture in upstairs room that was walled off . building permanent residence : there was John F. Bayley , 35 TC 288. ... 323 F2d 383 , rev'g ( DC Ga ) , 9 AFTR2d 1067 . ... after sale of old house James A. Henry , 182,469 PH MemoTC . tion of gain provisions to apply to gain from Helen 31,768 Nontaxable Items ( 9 ) Found inside – Page 1-2134( GA 1.13 : GGD - 94-126 BR ) , 95-13522 Real estate mortgage investment ... R 31/2 : 15 / 994 / V.2 ) , 95-3705 Instructions for Form 2119 , sale of your ... Found inside – Page 9manufacturer, Real Log Homes in Hartland, Vermont has made a continuing study of the resale values of log homes sold by their original owners. Found inside – Page 42Club Activities FOR SALE — RIDES One Three-Abreast Spillman Jenny, brand new top and platforms. ... BARNEY TASSELL UNIT SHOWS- WANT FOR WAYCROSS, GA. Found inside – Page 13I'd take you to several places across North Georgia that have very intense ... a mile down the road and look at the small farms and the * for sale ' signs . Found inside – Page 167RE brokerage ; PREV EMPLOY : The Baier Corp .; PROFL AFFIL & HONORS : Atlanta Bd . of Realtors ; GA Assn .; Nat . ... Partner , Davis Properties and Investments ; PRIM REACT : Developer , Owner / Investor , Property Manager ... Blackwell , OK , VP , Raldon Homes ; PRIM RE ACT : Broker , Developer , Builder ; SERVICES : single family and attached for sale housing ... 6 , 1931 , Kershaw , SC , Owner , Helen Davis Realty & Insurance ; PRIM RE ACT : Broker , Insuror ; SERVICES ... Found inside – Page 10REAL ESTATE Sydney Wong Soloist At SF Conservatory MOTELS - HOTELS SOUTHWEST SUNBELT INVESTORS ATTENTION ! For Sale ! 47 acres in ... For sale by owner , call 801-278-2828 and leave message . Allow up to 1 - week for ... Found inside – Page 122HISTORIC PROPERTIES SAVANNAH , GA Built by Alfred Hayward , c . 1873. ... For sale by owner at a very reaMopper - Stapen Realtors , 912-238-0874 . modern kitchen with breakfast room and family room , play- sonable price . Contact Fort ... Found inside – Page 4The Key to Happiness and Success in Over a Million and a Quarter Homes ... Free catalogue tells Wanted - To hear from owner of good farm Rugs , $ 1 each ; Carter , Tenn . , sold 115 in 4 how . ... Small Henry N. McCord , Ga . ... Baxter , Tenn .; Lillie Moore , Calif .; Miss Helen Elliott , Pa .; Miss M. Jayne , Ala .; Eva Clair Moon , N. Y .; Mrs. ulars , testimonials and prices we pay to others J. H. Shelton , Va . Found inside – Page 259Fraud 22 ( 1 ) found Mrs. Wiggs ' house by noticing a “ For Purchaser who brings action against Sale By Owner " sign out front . ... Ludovici and Michelle C. Fraseasonal flood waters do not enter the ga , Miami , for appellee . house . ... for rescis ing that takes place in the East Everglades . sion of their purchase of a house from appel- They found the property , negotiated the sale , lee Helen K. Wiggs . Found inside – Page 247REAL ESTATE – California CALIFORNIA RANCH FOR SALE . ... Nat Goodwin ranch , two and one - fourth miles from Hemet , and two miles from San Jacinto , the home of Ramona , of the Helen Hunt Jackson famous romance . ... If interested , write the owner and save commission . ... Write Board of Trade , Columbus , Ga . Found inside – Page 542Mrs. John McIntosh Kell , of Sunnyside , Ga . , widow of the commander in chief of the Confederate navy , was made an Honorary President . ... The proceeds of the sale of seals will go toward the Arlington fund . ... a resolution that Congress be asked to provide a pension of $ 100 per capita for all Confederate veterans in Soldiers ' Homes , the same amount ... It is the conception of Mrs. C. Helen Plane , of Atlanta , Ga . , and the idea was eloquently presented to the Convention by Hon . Found inside – Page 200(Bamboo Properties, 4471 Normandy Road, Memphis, TN 38117, (901)761-5203. Hopetown, Abaco, Bahamas. ... FOR SALE BY OWNER. $89,000. 207-862-3272. Found inside – Page 112HI Belvedere / p ^ ^n Resale Value of Log Homes •pHi ill: [1 Hn|j|HM^^^^Hn will sell ... 1979 95,000 Duluth, GA Bridgewater A 1975 83.000 1978 93,500 Helen. Found inside – Page 12Do you want to buy , lease , letnr exchange a house or land ? A number of private owners wishing to do business with you , no hidden extra whatsoever ... Found inside – Page 85Log home owners love their homes, and once they build them, they tend not to move ... NY Duluth, GA Helen, GA Asheville, NC Marietta, GA Riverside Cnty, ... Found inside – Page 58SOLD A HOUSE WITH OWNER FINANCING? MBIC purchase mortgages and trust deeds ... JOHNSON'S CARPETS, Dalton, GA 30720, USA. 1-800-235-1079. (404) 277-2775. Found inside – Page 106Write: 615 B Tattnall Street, Savannah GA 31401. or call: (912) 233-3563. ... things wanted or for sale, and personal house or property sales. Found inside – Page 1-4122Volume III , Instructions for Form 2119 , sale of your Land . ... Gandhi , Natwar M. tives / Hsing , Helen H. ( GA 1.5 / 2 : T( GA 1.5 / 2 : T - GGD - 93-46 ) ... Found inside – Page 55FOR SALE 100 % Producing Mare AURELIA'S PRIDE In Foal to ROMEO HANOVER Weanling Colt by Romeo Hanover 2 - Year - Old ... Owner - L . Ermand ill CLM . ... M . Turcotte 1 War Arrow , Lloyds Hill Top , Shady Hill Daisy , Super Scotch , Pretty Dawn , Thorpe Helen , King Brentwood . ... or write : FAIRVIEW GARDEN HOMES , Inc. 408 Washington Street Holliston , Mass . ... Aiken , S.C. 29801 Manager : Mr. Elliott Houset or Mrs. John T. Persall 3412 Sasanqua Dr. Augusta , Ga . Found inside – Page 93... to imGOLF PROPERTIES FOR SALE UNDEBCONTRACT Golf Club ATLANTA , GEORGIA ; SOUTHWEST GEORGIA ; ( Winston - Salem ... Asking $ 1.85 Million Some owner financing & DEBARY , FL ; 18 ; Birmingham , Alabama ; 18 - Holes ; These Golf Courses NOW ... Atlanta , GA & Harbour Ridge , Wallingford , CT & Oakwood Golf Club , Lake Wales , FL & Innsbruck , Helen , GA & Pine Hill Country ... Sale 1950 Parker - as modern and sanitary as city plumbing Ludovici and Michelle C. Fraseasonal waters... 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