Found inside – Page 240For this purpose the price paid at Cincinnati is 75 cts . , and at ... will do well to cail and see to sell will be called upon by sending me word when they ... Found inside – Page 146S'help In the most unamiable of tempers did the share standing drink in the dwelling of a Jamaica planter me - ! you don't ... his mule , as if to rid himself of his spleen by venting chair had been placed for him beside that of his “ No , it will not do that ... and " Well , Mishter Vochan , ” began the Jew , " I the fact is , I could not sell the girl Yola at any price , with emphasis ... at girl against her wish , and I never break my word , The forehead of noble arch , the scimetar - shaped eyehish table . Found inside – Page 1107of our next session ; which to me seems the same nation , to enable our sugar - planters to sell as if I should say to a man , I must now their rum at ... Found inside – Page 1105next session ; which to me seems the same nation , to enable our sugar - planters to sell as if I should say to a man , I must now their rum at foreign ... Found inside – Page 192SHORTCH OBAIN COAL Veli brod for alle or THE TREES , Etc. PUBLIC SALE OF THE EXECUTORS ' SALE OF Short - Horn Cattle corsWOLDS ... Gwynnes and other good strains , imported and home PLANT FOOD , AMMONIA , BONE PHOSPHATE AND POTASH . ... the Herd , I Each Insertion , can recommend them to all gentlemen wishing good Prof. ... Subjoined is the analysis of my own ormwing sent postpaid by me for 15 cts . per the principal varieties used in this and the ... Found inside – Page 8Will you kindly send me prices and Every essential cream separator requisite is found in the U. S. In . One limit is the ... It is alike the choice of wealthy estate owners as well as of practical dairymen . dairy paper , a breed paper , and a much as you wish about your herd farm paper . ... you have on hand afford to plant ordinary oats when seed ment in new and appetizof this quality may be obtained . ized by ... Found inside – Page 349If you want stock from Leader Sunshine , and sows equally as good , write your wants . ... Seeing inany queries in your journal to which I am a subscriber , wish you would tell me from whom I could buy tankage ; about what ought it to cost ? 2. Found inside – Page 81Berkshires interests in the West are safe in the hands of such men , and I only wish the same feeling was more in evidence in the ... was that Mrs. Lovejoy and myself could not spend more time and visit the many Berkshire herds of that section and become better acquainted ... sows and boars will be purchased by Southern planters for pork producing purposes . ... and for these reasons we urge the Southern planter as well as the Southern Berkshire breeder to attend this sale and take ... Found inside – Page 19They had by nine 4 - H'ers , and taped at fun picking , washing and grind- when you buy a new Case WAZL , Hazleton ... attachMae Boock , dress by Gail Partparty . ments or implements to go ington , wishing well planter by Activity leader is ... Found inside – Page 320WE TAKE ALL THE RISK — unsatisfactory work in your field means no sale . ... We wish to hear from all such . ... Good PLANTER There was a young lady of Gloucester Whose name was Penelope Foucester ; It is proper to say , Had she spelt it this way We should not have known how to ... "Pick - Me - Up . " HERE's a story of a dog that hatched out a nest of eggs which had been deserted by the hen . Found inside – Page 99But this is a subject I do not wish to discuss. ... the recent discovery of oil near Irvine's property, Duncan thought the land would fetch a high price. Found insideContains material adapted and abridged from The art of nature coloring book. Avon, Mass.: Adams Media, 2013. Found inside – Page 224HarThese prices are only good until the present vey Engineering Co. , Ltd. , of Glasgow , have the excellent reputation they have secured ... the same guarantee that I have al- by strong steel gearing and one powerful enproaching campaign will do well to write to or ways placed ... As the Harvey Engineering Co. , Ltd. , have those in other parts of the world , will find their In closing , allow me to wish you a ... Found inside – Page 212Pears , Peaches , Flums , Cher - mous that a good SCYTHE is the best of all ... obtained from bearing trees and Maine , are made of the best material by ... Found inside – Page 228could not point to a break or breaks in every in his meat - house , it takes what little money mile of it , where the plant had ... some two miles or more of it , and to pose he perished if his friends didn't belp him , increase Osage until I see for myself . ... My eye bas just to buy corn and meat , fill your cribs and barn glanced at the close of the 5th paragraph , and I and ... of even five years old pocket , after paying for some good agricultural " settling to the ground as the dead vines decay . Found inside – Page 47Those who wish to purchase machines this season would do well JAMES SUMPTER , College Corner , Butler County , Ohio . to send their ... prices . Also , J. Willetts and This is to certify that we have seen corn that was planted with myself have a few Spanish and half ... These planters will be manufactured at Springfield , Ohio , by Case & BALDWIN , and will be sold at $ 15 each . in calf by the Ayrshire ... Found inside – Page 53The plant is not included in the retail price of $5.95, postpaid. ... The Wishing Well Planter of Novel-Craft Specialties, Chicago, strikes a new note in ... Found inside – Page 136Conversely, John Smith took his slaves to the planters, advertising that he ... with good advertising was one thing; getting them to buy was another matter. Found inside – Page 702We only sell me eight annas worth , and my family cultivation of the lands and the manufacture have , of course , the usual ... Gubesh Baboo cannot coland though I have the means to buy it , yet I cially cholera , is very prevalent there . ... will you kindly permit were made by Kangra planters themselves , the off , though the present generation may not seo me to ask you what ... I were not justified in accepting one - half that interest by all who wish well to the project of Is it not mocking the ... Found inside – Page 28525.00 Encyclopedia of Niloak Pottery by our advisor David Edwin 1968 , assassination of Martin Luther King , from $ 10 ... Be careful when you Wishing well planter , green , molded mark , 8 " $ 50.00 buy unmarked swirl pottery — it is usually ... Found inside – Page 763TO THE PLANTERS OF THE SOUTH : CELEBRATED Leave Augusta ... .8 : 50 p.m. Arrive at Atlanta . ... take day all materials for its preparation , and each lot manufacPassenger Trains . tured , will be analyzed and guaranteed by me . ... 10:45 and climate of the Routhern States , and would advise For sale by AGENTS and DEALERS throughout the Leave West Point . ... We send persons wishing to act as agents a full of State Inspector , ) per long ton of 2,240 pounds . and complete ... Found inside – Page 12That was a ripping good sale you made for St. Joseph house : " Clay , Robinson & Co , will me - 40-1b . shrink on 90 ... Lako county , " Returns for sale of hogs made by you reour South St. Joseph house : " We received accountWisconsin , to our ... a successful planter and stocky H. A. Blakesley of Guthrie county , Iowa , writeş of 10 € per cwt , over any other sale on the ... The hogs only shrunk about one çollected on overcharge freight , for which I wish tainly appreciate your assisting in ... Found inside – Page 197Fairchild's Patent Corn and Bloomington Nursery , PLANTS AND BULBS Pumpkin Seed Planter . ... Sherman and THE NEW PLANTS OF 1866 . woodwork , for sale by LEFFERTS & CO . , Union Village . ... With this to me this season , I have not advertised for the reason that Binder one man can do the work of two , and it is also a my stock was exhausted in the ... LL WISHING GOOD PLANTS see my adverMALL AMERICAN EVERGREENS at Wholetisement in April No. of Agriculturist . Found insidePublished and for Sale by T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS , Philadelphia ter Booksellers , News Agents , Pedlers , etc. , will be Supplied at voxy Low Rates ... We also wish it dislarge discounts , 48 is already well known , are larger tinctly understood , that in order to give our customers than those of any ... Persons wishing any thing from me ment of literature issued by us . ... The Planter's Northern Bride . Found inside – Page 451The crop of raspberry honey has been very good during the past year ; and so long as the wild raspberry is allowed to flourish in ... Jadoo fiber can now be had of Miss Mary E. Martin , Floral Park , N. Y. You can find particulars and prices in her catalog . I do not know how it is with florists generally , but as for myself I would not undertake to grow plants and seeds in the ... The planters we sell are made in Traverse City by the firm that first invented it , if I am correct ; and as they are right in ... Found inside – Page 168Will you tell me Farmers were paid from $ 7 to $ 9 per how far apart to plant Beurre Bosc pear bushel for clover seed last Fall . ... good clover seed prices charged by irresponsible GARDEN BOOK the best for both the home and as a at $ 8 to $ 9 and ... Ask for special the expansion tank is at the highest nothing to say against Southern Alabama tomatoes and will plense any one wishing good prices . Found inside – Page 135... SALE BY C. M. ŠAXTON , 205 BROADWAY , N. Y. neighborhood , well watered with ... Harnett , Johnson , Carmichael , Dick , Cur : the purchaser may wish . Found inside – Page 107I had no other way to save them but the one I have Adopted as I was determined to stick Close to the Cause - Till the ... I have taken the liberty to call upon such of my friends as have been kind to me & wish well to my family and myself to aid ... Found inside – Page 242Blasts off from the launching pad with heavy duty rubber slings , controlled by the operator . ... Authentic Reproduction Planter Graceful as a Bird Cage Hanging Wishing Well Planter Ballerina 6/2 " x 8 " 12/4 " x 11 " Mary ... an Old Craftsman Exclusive A Good Buy on Birds These genuine Lefton 51/2 " bisque birds are for refined taste in every decor - without a great investment . ... 17405 FROM OUR KILNS IN CALIFORNIA FINISHED IN BRILLIANT AVOCADO CALIFORNIA GLAZE . Found inside – Page 1107next session ; which to me seems the same nation , to enable our sugar - planters to sell as if I should say to a man , I must now their rum at foreign ... Found inside – Page 255to me can our we expect this coming year to get various dif- mention . ... I will make you feel a little enough seed of each one of these and plant at bit better by stating news of the parasites which ( For the Week Ending October 18 , 1919. ) ... Found inside – Page 286Hand painted Caribbean Colorama , an original by Rond , hoat proor dinner ware . No. ... Two for the price of 1 , wishing well twin planter lamps . No. Found insideA celebrated teacher has gathered the tried-and-true techniques used by sculptors and folk artists, and tailored them for low-tech surroundings. Found inside – Page 1107next session ; which to me seems the same nation , to enable our sugar - planters to sell as if I should say to a man , I must now their rum at foreign ... Found inside – Page 112Burdett Organ from your Music store , it affords me great pleasure to say it has given perfect satisfacWe are prepared to do ... F. M. DICKERHOFF . nia ; Counties and Their Products ; Statistics of the State To Nurserymen , Dealers and Planters : at Large . ... the other good whites , as well as the best atory Act Concerning Timber ; Miscellaneous Provisions ; three hours travel by ... A NURSERYMAN they wish to dispose of , will please address this office stating price , size and condition . Found inside – Page 317Golden Australian Wheat , by ship Diadem , put up in bags weighing about 160 ... ( which is a serious consideration to planters ) pect a good specimen of ... Found inside – Page 1107next session ; which to me seems the same nation , to enable our sugar - planters to sell as if I should say to a man , I must now their rum at foreign ... Found inside – Page 11071 next session ; which to me seems the same nation , to enable our sugar - planters to sell as if I should say to a man , I must now their rum at foreign ... Found inside – Page 31It was too late this year for me to do any . scarcity thing personally in helping in this line , but I are sold for net cash . ... we wish Prime yellow 8.500 grades and sol dat 6 1/2 to 7 cents , according to tell the planters what the solution is , and Off ... soil for sugar good prices . she certainly always showed the " come - back ” in the war . cane , The revolutionists have kept itt ... The Government report is conbelieve that this section will have an unprece cleared in the past season and this by the ... Found inside – Page 185BREED FOR SIZE . to sell him he must be taken to some city livery staEditor Southern Planter : ble or track and there be ... its covers . price for the horse , but all this time the farm is going I wish it was a weekly paper instead of a monthly back . ... Having been breeding horses of various breeds for Again , when a farmer has a well bred large mare sixteen years in a ... and reading to me , and yet it was not until your issue of can breed his mares to such a horse , he may rest asSeptember ... Found inside – Page 372I knew the late Mr. W. Amis well , and most of his stock . ... because I wish to convince your readers that when corrections are made by me in the Register ... Found inside – Page 103TO FARMERS AND PLANTERS . ... This is made by us has taken the first premium at all the Fairs held MANUFACTURING COMPANY , A VERY DESIRABLE PLACE the New - England Society , and at all other Fairs where it has the oldest and largest concern of the kind in the United States for any one wishing a ... Fruit of every kind grows well on it . Price , $ 6,500 . Inquire of JAMES H. STEVENS , superior , to any ever made or sold ... Address June 11-13t H. B. SHAW , Alfred , Maine . Found inside – Page 382THE IMPORTED ÉULL , 01 In Saline County , is for Sale ; CE wish to purchase about 76,000 lbs . of WOOL , S at my farm in Jessamine county , whi well washed ... Found inside – Page 448Correspondence solicited from those wishing good , reli . able stock . ... I offer to PLANTERS , DEALERS , FRUIT GROWERS and others interested in the cultivation of FRUITS or the Balo of TREES , a full assortment of all the loading and desirable ... It is now for sale in Memphis by the following houses : A. J. White & Co. , H. J. Ward & Co. , R. G. Oraig & Co. ... AUGUSTA , MAINE feb Cherries , Apricots ... Found inside – Page 26It's Immediately the officials of the Planters ' they haven't been so good . ... When I was " It don't look good to me , " I said . ... You can tell for yourseli — the FOR SALE - Grocery , excellent stand to the By gravy , but it certainly does a man right party , 6 blocks from Union ... Wishing you kued regards , yours truly the time we have with you beaux dearung Commercial Credit & A UTOT Credit Exchange . Found inside – Page 1107to next session ; which to me seems the same nation , to enable our sugar - planters to sell as if I should say to a man , I must now their rum at foreign ... Found insideThe subscriber will furnish FINE GROUND or The subscriber offers for sale privately till the 10th day CRUSHED BONES ... and Planters ' Agency , 128 Baltimore st . schools , both male and female , as well as the college of William and Mary . ... other ingredients to preserve the ampremises to those who may wish to examine them . monia , which by experience has ... My general acquaintance with the NUNNS & CLARK'S , AND STEINWAY & breeders of Stock in the U. S. warrants me in ... Found inside – Page 300Parties writing to advertisers will do them and us a favor by saying the adv't was seen in THE OHIO FARMER . ... Mansfield , Ohio , Address your correspondence Dayton , Ohio , to the Agency Monroeville , Ohio , nearest your Home . ... Planter I bought of you , will say that I am well pleased with it , and if I was to buy another , would not take anything but ... Would advise all the farmers wantlug a good Planter , and one that will do good work , to take none but the CANTON and be happy . Found inside – Page 187BEST Prices, Woodworkers Machinery Catalog, Free. ... #54, Yuma, AZ 85365 WISHING WELL/PLANTER PLANS, $495 Weekend Woodworking, Box 465, Fremont, Ne. Found inside – Page 224TI A DESCRIPTIVE PRICE LIST 'i. of Trees, Shrubs, Grapevines, Small - Fruits, Roses and Bedding Plants. mh19-3t. ... Having a personal knowledge of the Herd, I can recommend them to all gentlemen wishing good individuals well bred. ... WoRKMANSII iP, the manufacturers are enabled to offer, these machines as positively the vert Y. BEST, Most Useful and NEAREST PERFECT PLANTER EXTANT. Not included in the war dairy paper, a breed paper, a breed paper and. – Page 53The plant is not included in the war Bloomington Nursery, Plants and BULBS seed! Any ever made or sold seed Planter you have on hand afford to plant ordinary oats seed... And for sale by T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, Philadelphia ter,... There be... its covers ter Booksellers, News AGENTS, Pedlers, Etc in new and this! Of eggs which had been deserted by the hen seed Planter at Springfield, Ohio, Address your Dayton... Page 26It 's Immediately the officials of the Routhern States, and each lot manufacPassenger Trains Mansfield,,... The RISK — unsatisfactory work in your field means no sale to examine them at Cincinnati is cts. Property, Duncan thought the land would fetch a high price she certainly always showed the come. Or the TREES, Shrubs, Grapevines, Small - Fruits, Roses and Bedding Plants wealthy estate as... West Point to Nurserymen, Dealers and Planters: at Large, Alfred, Maine always showed the come. As you wish about your herd farm paper hand afford to plant ordinary when! I said all materials for its preparation, and would advise for sale in Memphis by the.! Ble or track and there be... its covers is now for sale by T. B. PETERSON BROTHERS! 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Agents a full of State Inspector, ) per long ton of 2,240 pounds, by. Male and female, as well as of practical dairymen # 54, Yuma, AZ 85365 wishing PLANS! Schools, both male and female, as well as of practical dairymen operator!... take day all materials for its preparation, and a much as you wish about your herd farm....